Building block view

Whitebox Overall System



Separate code from data. Code blocks (cyan, stereotype <<package>>) can use data source blocks (blue, <<data store>>). Data source blocks are either pre-defined data or accumulated data generated by CESAR.

Important Interfaces

The building block “cesar manager” is the main interface for the user.

manager cesarp.manager.SimulationManager resp cesarp.manager.ProjectManager are the central classes organizing the workflow. cesarp.manager.BldgModelFactory is the class wiring together all parts needed to create a building model.

retrofit Has manager classes to control simulation workflow in case retrofit is needed.

geometry Converts footprint shape data to full building shape data required for an E+ simulation. Sets windows according to given glazing ratio. Creates the neighbourhood information considering adjacent buildings and shading objects within a given ratio.

construction Assemble building insulation, wall, floor and other properties given age class or retrofitting year (past or future).

graphdb_access Read constructional data from GraphDB. Currently a mix of pure data access and buisiness logic to map DB data into the model objects.

operation Assemble usage demands for electricity, domestic hot water, heating and cooling

SIA2024 Creates operation and infiltration parameters based on SIA2024 for different building types (e.g. Multi Family Home, Office, School). Variability can be added to created parameters and schedules.

site Handles some fixed assignments regarding building location.

weather Handles weather file assignment.

model Representation of a building with all its properties.

eplus_adapter * Given all the relevant information for a building simulation wiht the building model, the IDF generator assembels the IDF file out of this data. Manipulation of existing IDF Files shall also be supported. * Controls the EnergyPlus simulation. Optionally saves metadata of simulation in order to be able to re-run the simulation.