History & Release Notes

Version Numbers

X.Y.Z X => major changes in functionality, added big new features Y => minor change or bugfix with influence on generated models and/or simulation results Z => minor change/bugfix, not changing the generated models and simulation results, for example a fix in SimulationManager for some file handling error a => Suffix a means that this is a alpha version, being developed (respectively on development branch) - not intended to be used in projects! (That scheme is introduced from 1.1.0 onwards)

For all released Version there is a Tag/Release in GitLab.

  • MAJOR: big new functionality, workflow change, changes in the API (e.g. in config entries which must be set for a project or changes in SimulationManager/ProjectManager/RetrofitManager which are not backward-compatible)

  • MINOR: new features / change or bugfix with major influence on generated models and/or simulation results

  • PATCH: bugfix or small usability change, for example a fix in SimulationManager for some file handling error

  • a/alphaX => Not intended to be used in projects! Suffix that markes the version as alpha version, being developed (respectively on master branch) - you won’t find those version listed there, as they are constantly changed and do not mark a specific state. (That scheme is introduced from 1.1.0 onwards)


First open source version of CESAR-P