Source code for cesarp.eplus_adapter.idf_strings

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2023, Empa, Leonie Fierz, Aaron Bojarski, Ricardo Parreira da Silva, Sven Eggimann.
# This file is part of CESAR-P - Combined Energy Simulation And Retrofit written in Python
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Contact:
from enum import Enum

autocalculate = "autocalculate"
version = "VERSION,{};"
no = "No"
yes = "Yes"
select_all = "*"
months = [

# available pre-configured gas types for windows
win_gas_types = ["Air", "Argon", "Krypton", "Xenon"]

[docs]class Roughness(Enum): """the integer values have no speical meaning""" VeryRough = 1 Rough = 2 MediumRough = 3 MediumSmooth = 4 Smooth = 5 VerySmooth = 6
[docs]class WindowMatGlazing: optical_data_type = "SpectralAverage"
[docs]class ViewFactorToGround(Enum): "integer values are the values to be set in the IDF as view factor to ground" adjacent = 0 horizontal_up = 0 horizontal_down = 1 indoors = 0 autocalculate = autocalculate
[docs]class SummaryReports: all_summary = "AllSummary"
[docs]class Weekdays: sunday = "Sunday"
[docs]class UnitConversion: j_to_kwh = "JtoKWH"
[docs]class ColumnSeparator: comma_and_html = "CommaAndHTML"
[docs]class KeyField: idf = "IDF"
[docs]class Coords: xcoordinate_pattern = "Vertex_{}_Xcoordinate" ycoordinate_pattern = "Vertex_{}_Ycoordinate" zcoordinate_pattern = "Vertex_{}_Zcoordinate" num_format = "{:.5f}"
[docs]class ResultsFrequency(Enum): ANNUAL = "RunPeriod" MONTHLY = "Monthly" DAILY = "Daily" HOURLY = "Hourly" TIMESTEP = "Timestep" DETAILED = "Detailed"
[docs]class IDFObjects: bldg_surface_detailed = "BuildingSurface:Detailed".upper() fenestration_surface_detailed = "FenestrationSurface:Detailed".upper() zoneinfiltration_designflowrate = "ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate".upper() hvac_template_zone_idealloadsairsystem = "HVACTemplate:Zone:IdealLoadsAirSystem".upper() desing_specifiction_outdoorair = "DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir".upper() zone = "Zone".upper() window_property_frame_and_divider = "WindowProperty:FrameAndDivider".upper() building = "Building".upper() global_geometry_rules = "GLOBALGEOMETRYRULES".upper() run_period = "RunPeriod".upper() simulation_control = "SimulationControl".upper() shading_bldg_detailed = "Shading:Building:Detailed".upper() shading_prop_reflectance = "ShadingProperty:Reflectance".upper() output_table_summary_reports = "Output:Table:SummaryReports".upper() output_control_table_style = "OutputControl:Table:Style".upper() output_meter = "Output:Meter".upper() output_variable = "Output:Variable".upper() output_variable_dictionary = "Output:VariableDictionary".upper() zone_infiltration_design_flow_rate = "ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate".upper() schedule_file = "Schedule:File".upper() schedule_const = "Schedule:Constant".upper() schedule_compact = "Schedule:Compact".upper() schedule_type_limits = "ScheduleTypeLimits".upper() people = "PEOPLE".upper() hot_water_equipment = "HotWaterEquipment".upper() ligths = "Lights".upper() electric_equipment = "ElectricEquipment".upper() hvac_template_thermostat = "HVACTemplate:Thermostat".upper() design_specifictaion_outdoor_air = "DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir".upper() shadow_calculation = "ShadowCalculation".upper() zone_air_heat_balance_algorithm = "ZoneAirHeatBalanceAlgorithm" timestep = "Timestep".upper() convergence_limits = "ConvergenceLimits".upper() site_ground_temperature_building_surface = "Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface".upper() site_ground_temperature_fc_factor_method = "Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod".upper() site_ground_temperature_shallow = "Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow".upper() site_ground_temperature_deep = "Site:GroundTemperature:Deep".upper() construction = "Construction".upper() material = "Material".upper() material_no_mass = "Material:NoMass".upper() material_air_gap = "Material:AirGap".upper() win_material_glazing = "WindowMaterial:Glazing".upper() win_material_gas = "WindowMaterial:Gas".upper() win_shading_ctrl_ep8 = "WindowProperty:ShadingControl".upper() win_shading_ctrl_ep9 = "WindowShadingControl".upper() win_shade_material = "WindowMaterial:Shade".upper()
[docs]class GroundTempFieldNamePatterns: building_surface = "{}_Ground_Temperature" fcfactormethod = "{}_Ground_Temperature" shallow = "{}_Surface_Ground_Temperature" deep = "{}_Deep_Ground_Temperature"
[docs]class ZoneAirHeatBalanceAlgorithm: analytical_solution = "AnalyticalSolution"
[docs]class NumOfPeopleCalc: area_per_person = "Area/Person"
[docs]class DesignLevelCalc: watts_per_area = "Watts/Area"
[docs]class Separator: comma = "Comma" semicolon = "Semicolon" tab = "Tab"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_for_char(separator_char): if "," == separator_char: return Separator.comma if ";" == separator_char: return Separator.semicolon if "\t" == separator_char: return else: raise Exception(f'idf supports as separator char "," or ";" or "\t" (Tab), but {separator_char} was given')
[docs]class NumericType: continuous = "CONTINUOUS" discrete = "DISCRETE"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_num_type_for(py_type): if py_type == float: return NumericType.continuous if py_type == int: return NumericType.discrete raise Exception(f"no matching NumericType for {str(py_type)}")
[docs]class WeahterCond: sun_exposed = "SunExposed" not_sun_exposed = "NoSun" wind_exposed = "WindExposed" not_wind_exposed = "NoWind"
[docs]class OutsideBoundaryCond: outdoors = "Outdoors" adiabatic = "Adiabatic" ground = "Ground" surface = "Surface"
[docs]class FenestrationSurfaceType: window = "Window"
[docs]class VertexPosition: lower_left_corner = "LowerLeftCorner"
[docs]class VertexEntryDirection: counter_clockwise = "CounterClockWise"
[docs]class CoordinateSystem: relative = "Relative"
[docs]class BldgSurfaceType: wall = "Wall" floor = "Floor" ceiling = "Ceiling" roof = "Roof"
[docs]class CustomObjNames: bldg_zone_name = "ZoneFloor{}" wall_name = "{}_Wall_{}" window_name = "{}_Win" groundfloor_name = "{}_GroundFloor" floor_name = "{}_Floor" ceiling_name = "{}_Ceiling" roof_name = "{}_Roof" building = "Building" run_periods = "DefaultRunPeriod" frame_and_divider = "1" shading_bldg_wall_name = "Ext{}_Wall{}" shading_bldg_roof_name = "Ext{}_Roof" zone_infiltration = "{}_Infiltration" people = "{}_People" lights = "{}_Lights" electric_equipment = "{}_Appliances" hot_water_equipment = "{}_DHW" thermostat_template = "Residential_thermostat" outdoor_air_spec = "Residential_outdoorair" constant_schedule = "Constant_{}"
[docs]class HVACOutdoorAirMethod: detailed_specification = "DetailedSpecification"
[docs]class OutdoorAirCalcMethod: flow_per_area = "Flow/Area"
[docs]class FlowRateCalculationMethod: air_changes_per_hour = "AirChanges/Hour" flow_per_zone_area = "Flow/Area"