Source code for cesarp.SIA2024.SIA2024_2016_RoomType

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2023, Empa, Leonie Fierz, Aaron Bojarski, Ricardo Parreira da Silva, Sven Eggimann.
# This file is part of CESAR-P - Combined Energy Simulation And Retrofit written in Python
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
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from enum import Enum

[docs]class SIA2024_2016_RoomType(Enum): """Mapping between RoomType key and SIA 2024-2016 Room name""" MFH = "Wohnen MFH" SFH = "Wohnen EFH" Hotel_room = "Hotelzimmer" Reception = "Empfang, Lobby" Single_office = "Einzel -, Gruppenbüro" Office = "Grossraumbüro" Meeting_room = "Sitzungszimmer" Lobby = "Schalterhalle, Empfang" Classroom = "Schulzimmer" School_Staff_room = "Lehrerzimmer" Library = "Bibliothek" Lecture_Hall = "Hörsaal" School_physics_chemistry_room = "Schulfachraum(Spezialraum)" Food_store = "Lebensmittelverkauf" Shopping_mall = "Fachgeschäft" Furniture_store = "Verkauf Möbel, Bau, Garten" Restaurant = "Restaurant" Selfservice_restaurant = "Selbstbedienungsrestaurant" Restaurant_kitchen = "Küche zu Restaurant" Self_service_restaurant_kitchen = "Küche zu Selbstbedienungsrest." Cinema_Theater_Concert_hall = "Vorstellungsraum" Multipurpose_hall = "Mehrzweckhalle" Exhibition_hall = "Ausstellungshalle" Hospital_ward = "Bettenzimmer" Hospital_unit_room = "Stationszimmer" Medical_treatment_room = "Behandlungsraum" Heavy_industry = "Produktion(grobe Arbeit)" Light_industry = "Produktion(feine Arbeit)" Laboratory = "Laborraum" Warehouse = "Lagerhalle" Sports_centre_School_gym = "Turnhalle" Gym = "Fitnessraum" Indoor_swimming_pool = "Schwimmhalle" Corridor = "Verkehrsfläche" Corridor_24h = "Verkehrsfläche 24h" Staircase = "Treppenhaus" Storage_space = "Nebenraum" Kitchen = "Küche, Teeküche" Bathroom_with_shower = "WC, Bad, Dusche" WC = "WC" Locker_room_shower = "Garderobe, Dusche" Car_park = "Parkhaus" Washing_drying_room = "Wasch - und Trockenraum" Cold_store = "Kühlraum" Server_room = "Serverraum"